CSE 101 Tickets





COMPREHENSIVE SEX ED 101 (CSE 101) is part of the chapter’s “2022-2023 School Year for Parents” initiative, focusing on one critical issue in Williamson County Schools per month.  The February focus is on “Comprehensive Sex Education” which is taught in Tennessee as “Family Life Education.”  This event offers parents and citizens a “crash course” on what their children are actually learning in schools and moreover, who writes the curriculum and who funds it. This event will follow the MFL-WC chapter meeting, which starts at 5:30 PM at the same location.  All are welcome to attend both events.

Did you know that sex education in public schools was largely the work of Dr. Alfred Kinsey who in 1947 founded the Institute for Sex Research (now the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction) at the Indiana University?  Kinsey authored the 1948 book “Sexual Behavior of the Human Male,” in which he posited that “60 percent of teenaged boys” have had some kind of “homosexual activities,” and the 1953 book Sexual Behavior of the Human Female, for which he was awarded the cover of TIME magazine.  Kinsey declared that one of his goals was to show that “nearly all the so-called sexual perversions fall within the range of biological normality,” and that “there are only three kinds of sexual abnormalities: abstinence, celibacy, and delayed marriage.”  Kinsey went so far as to research sexual stimulation in children as young as five months old, as recorded in the infamous “Table 34” of his first book, and was reportedly assisted in this research by a 63-year-old pedophile.

Most parents also do not realize the central role of Planned Parenthood and SIECUS, formerly Sex Information and Education Council of the United States but now rebranded Sex Ed for Social Change, in the writing of these curriculums.

Further, what denotes “Sex Education” from its newest incarnation “Comprehensive Sex Education?”  What is actually being taught in Tennessee’s “Family Life Education?”  Are these classes worthwhile for children?  What rights do parents have to remove their children from these classes?  These are all questions that will be answered by keynote speaker, Karen England.

Karen England is the President of California-based Capitol Resource Institute (capitolresource.org).   CRI is a pro-family public policy organization with a focus on education, religious freedom, parental rights, and life.  Karen is a leader in the fight to expose and eliminate harmful ideologies in the classroom, including CRT, SEL and graphic sexual education. She is passionate about reclaiming parental rights at the school district level and seeks to share her decades of knowledge on these issues.  Karen has been featured on various media outlets including the Laura Ingraham Show, The O’Reilly Factor, Tucker Carlson Tonight, The San Francisco Chronicle, World Net Daily, the FlashReport, and Fox News.

Tickets are $15. Download shareable flyer HERE.